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Artist bio

internet aphrodite

Samantha Watson utilises digital media to create art that interrogates the concept of female identity within the context of our developing digital age. Her cloned digital avatars satirise societal idealisations of the “feminine body” and the pressure to adapt and remodel one’s body to fit within these ideals. 


Internet Aphrodite is a digital Colosseum exhibition of the 'ideal' female form, incorporating edited sound recordings from reality programmes such as Keeping Up with the Kardashians and The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. The piece aims to question the voyeuristic nature of reality television and how it informs female identity, as well as exploring cultures of celebrity adoration, society’s ideals of what defines and achieves a ‘perfect body’ and, traditional and modern ‘feminine’ poses seen on social media and throughout history.

room designed and created by gabriella horn

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